Booking projects from Aug 2024

Uniswap V3 Vault

Uniswap V3 Vault

Uniswap V3 Vault

Uniswap V3 Vault





An all-in-one active liquidity management platform on Univ3

An all-in-one active liquidity management platform on Univ3

An all-in-one active liquidity management platform on Univ3

An all-in-one active liquidity management platform on Univ3

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With full customizability, designed to empower retail DeFi users to maximize their returns on liquidity. By aggregating all the information into a single page and allowing auto-compounding, users will have a better user experience and improved returns from their liquidity positions.

With full customizability, designed to empower retail DeFi users to maximize their returns on liquidity. By aggregating all the information into a single page and allowing auto-compounding, users will have a better user experience and improved returns from their liquidity positions.

With full customizability, designed to empower retail DeFi users to maximize their returns on liquidity. By aggregating all the information into a single page and allowing auto-compounding, users will have a better user experience and improved returns from their liquidity positions.


Uniswap V3 Vault




UX/UI, Product

UX/UI, Product


Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects :)

Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects :)

Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects.

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer