Booking projects from Aug 2024









The first-ever Music Festival NFT Collection in Singapore

The first-ever Music Festival NFT Collection in Singapore

The first-ever Music Festival NFT Collection in Singapore

The first-ever Music Festival NFT Collection in Singapore

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The HYPEWORLD Music Festival NFT Collection was an unprecedented success. The innovative blend of music festivals and NFTs drew attention not only from art collectors and music enthusiasts but also from mainstream media and the general public. The landing page effectively conveyed the uniqueness and value of the collection, resulting in high engagement, numerous sales, and widespread excitement around the intersection of music and blockchain technology.

The HYPEWORLD Music Festival NFT Collection was an unprecedented success. The innovative blend of music festivals and NFTs drew attention not only from art collectors and music enthusiasts but also from mainstream media and the general public. The landing page effectively conveyed the uniqueness and value of the collection, resulting in high engagement, numerous sales, and widespread excitement around the intersection of music and blockchain technology.

The HYPEWORLD Music Festival NFT Collection was an unprecedented success. The innovative blend of music festivals and NFTs drew attention not only from art collectors and music enthusiasts but also from mainstream media and the general public. The landing page effectively conveyed the uniqueness and value of the collection, resulting in high engagement, numerous sales, and widespread excitement around the intersection of music and blockchain technology.






Art direction, Marketing

Art direction, Marketing


Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects :)

Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects :)

Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects.

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer