Booking projects from Aug 2024

Crypto tracking app

Crypto tracking app

Crypto tracking app

Crypto tracking app









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A revamp of CMC App due to previous historical problems and the company's new product strategy adjustment to emphasize social connection. Bringing users new products with better user experience, more comprehensive and practical functions, and more crypto-native through this revision.

A revamp of CMC App due to previous historical problems and the company's new product strategy adjustment to emphasize social connection. Bringing users new products with better user experience, more comprehensive and practical functions, and more crypto-native through this revision.

A revamp of CMC App due to previous historical problems and the company's new product strategy adjustment to emphasize social connection. Bringing users new products with better user experience, more comprehensive and practical functions, and more crypto-native through this revision.


Crypto tracking app




UX/UI, App, Product

UX/UI, App, Product


Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects :)

Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects :)

Looking to a sprinkle of Web3 magic through the power of great digital design?

I am available for new projects.

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer

Sunny Jai
Product Designer